Fee  Before January 31, 2020    From January 31, 2020   
Member of CNO 450 €  510 €
Postgraduate Student without professional activity, Intern in the Hospitals, Pensioner, up-to-date with their subscriptions  185 €   210 €
Non graduate Student (membership fee included)  75 €  75 €
Gala dinner (March 15, 2018)  110 € 110 €

Every participant will being up to date with his subscription to CNO* (exceptly non graduate student).

  • 2020 CNO Fee : 140 €
  • 2020 Reduced CNO Fee (Intern, Pensioner) : 65 €

CNO up-to-date subscription (on presentation of proof of payment)

*The annual CNO memberhip fee offers the login to allow a full access to the meeting’s lectures, only to the members of the College, on its website  in the coming year.

You can now register by completing the registration form, and return it full with your payment by bank check (to the order of CNO-Nord) to the following address : 17 rue Paul Doumer 62000 ARRAS (FRANCE)

Download the registration form

We offer secure online registrement and paiement :

Register online and pay by credit card

Registration fees include

  • Admission to all meeting sessions
  • Coffee, tea and lunch during the breaks

(PhD) Student registration

Students should hold a valid student ID, and will be asked to submit the student ID during registration.
For PhD students the organization like to receive a signed letter of the promotor.

For further informations, please contact us :